Report October 2008
Organised and managed by Interlinkx CIC (supported by Hackney Homes, the local Safer Neighbourhoods Team and Fawcett Estate TRA) the Fawcett Bike Club sessions run on Tuesday evenings 6pm-8pm, they have been running for one year and are progessing well. 10 - 20 young people attend every week, they age from 12 – 18, four members of which are females. There to offer qualified cycle mechanic instruction and good youth work practice are Keir Apperley & Marcus Ahmad who are also a cycling coaches.
The attendees are becoming skilled and competent at cycle maintenance. They are a likable group who welcome new members, have a positive outlook and a sense of fun. Recently four members from the club achieved the first part of the nationally recognised cycle maintenance accreditation; Cytech Level One. With this certificate and experience as trainee cycle mechanics, two members, Sean St.Lewis and Cory Hall have gained part time employment at Two Wheels Good (Crouch End branch) and London Fields Cycles respectively. This work is in addition to the voluntary time they put in as assistants during the bike club sessions where they are picking up experience and insight as peer educators. Another trainee; Ato Halm-Quashie who is from Clapton Park, is also on the programme. He has shown that with the right support he can go to an area he previously deemed un-safe because of the current youth post-code affiliation issue. 17 year old Ato now feels 'at home' whilst doing his trainee time at Fawcett Estate. All four members are set to complete the Cyctech Level 1 course and become fully qualified cycle mechanics by attending the two day practical assessment sessions at PJCS Training Centre in Milton Keynes. This aspect of the project is funded by Greenboard and the Fawcett TRA.
Fawcett Bike Club: Garage 8, Fawcett Estate, Upper Clapton Road, Hackney, London E5
Keir Apperley - Interlinkx CiC