2017 is Interlinkx CiC & CC Hackney's tenth year.

Due to Covid 19 virus all club face to face activities are suspended until further notice. Please check CC Hackney's website for news updates and how to stay in touch during this period.

The news in 2020 is that Interlinkx has been
converted from a community interest company
into a charitable incorporated organisation under the terms of the Charitable Incorporated Organisations (Conversion) Regulations. In the process of conversion, the organisation has changed its name to Cycling Club Hackney CIO. Meanwhile, the community amateur sports club called Cycling Club Hackney has been wound up and has gifted its assets to CC Hackney CiO

Interlinx CiC, was responsible for CC Hackney'sHQ/house and home as well as leading on fund raising
& community outreach. In 2017 was the ten year anniversary since founding in 2007. Our partner organisation
(CC Hackney) came into being later in the same year.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Pedal puddle power @ Fawcett YBMP 03.11.11

Young regular Geoffrey Butler tests his bike in the water during tonights session.

Pleased with the performance, it's time to chill. Our lad is set to join De-shaun Hughs this Saturday morning on the way to check out Cycling Club Hackney's youth training session, he's sure looking forward to that. 

The gloves pictured bellow are specially designed for protecting and keeping hands clean whilst doing mechanical work. They are modeled by long time member De-shaun Hughs who purchased them for a small fee from (i believe) the best pound shop in Hackney on Chatsworth Road. FYI it's the one across the road from the Too Sweet Caribbean food place. Also featured in D's hands are a pair of Park Tool cable clippers - essential kit for any decent bike fixer.

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